Pet Gear with Panache
We aspire to create a product that considers the breed, mobility and sensitivity of your pet. Fabrics and accoutrements are first sourced locally then further afield and re-cycled when possible.
Original patterns are crafted, revised and modified, then cut by hand, sewn with machine and hand stitched. All patterns, garments and accessories are crafted in the studio here, a cottage industry started in 2006.
Our goal is to enable our pet friends and their discerning owners to express a sense of FUN while meeting their practical needs.
We choose fabrics that are lightweight, durable and of good quality. It is important that the product is made to last, and that they fit well and are comfortable .
“The most fun is shopping for fabric!”
What inspired me to create clothing and accessories for pets?
An elderly friend asked one day if I would help with a sewing project. She wanted to make a coat for her dog. I basically knew nothing about dogs or their breeds, etc., except that I loved them. They are such beautiful creatures, with qualities that would humble any human.
I could understand my friend’s need, so took some measurements, drew a pattern and cut up a raincoat from the second hand store, and, with some trial and error, made a raincoat for Brodie. I juried into the local Farmers Market for a summer season. This is where the coat evolved, adapting patterns to fit different breeds, adding safety features, secure closures and leash attachments. As the demand increased, so did my ideas for other products.
The next item was a necktie for dogs and cats. The pet lovers were looking for something to dress up their pets for special occasions and the cats wanted to be in on it. My son had a birthday party and I brought my cat along dressed with a necktie. So much fun!
The business continued to grow. I added on some local winter fairs and the demand exceeded my capabilities. A friend stepped in to help with the sewing, and, long story short, here we are today with a new online store.
I love what I do! It’s a wonderful balance of solitude when in the studio, and social interaction when in the field. I am grateful to have found creative work that brings me so much joy and satisfaction. Most of all my gratitude goes to my customers and their pets for supporting me, sharing their ideas and helping to make Party Animal Pets a thriving and sustainable business.